Well, it just sounds like you've done some things which more substantial than bug fixes, and if nothing else I'm interested to see how it has changed. And I'm not very big on multiplayer, unless it's the rare sort of game that's fun to lose all the time. Guess why! ;-)
Heh, don't worry - I'm really bad at most multiplayer games.

Though I can give most people a run for their money in Mayhem Intergalactic, funnily enough.
Besides, exploiting old bugs can be fun (not in a competitive game, of course). For instance, in Left 4 Dead they recently fixed a bug when you could bash the fixed-position mini-guns, jump on, and be flung across the map. Lot's of fun. No doubt they removed it because it breaks the balance in Versus multiplayer, but I can't have that experience any more, in co-op or single-player, because I can't run that old version. I think The Ship has had serious changes, which were later made optional. But if they hadn't got around to making it optional, it would probably have ruined the game for some people.
I do see where you're coming from. That's absolutely fair enough, which is why the offer stands!
Looking through your News page, all the changes sound like big improvements, which no sane person would dislike, or fixing bugs of the boring type. Rifts sound like a significant change, but don't affect pre-rift maps. So there's probably nothing I actually want to "rewind", which makes my question academic.
But there are forum ideas for the future like upgradable ships (which you might never implement), which would complicate the game, and I might not like some of them. But perhaps you would make such hypothetical game changes as per-game options?
Multiple ship types is not going to happen. I don't have any current plans to make any major game-changing modifications at this stage, although I do welcome ideas to that effect since I'm always open to being convinced.
Whether I'd implement a change as an option would depend on the change. For some changes it would make sense; for others it wouldn't. I do at least promise to seriously listen to complaints about unwanted changes in the event that you have any.

Does the non-Steam version have DRM?
Oh, and does Steam's Servers view know how to browse Mayhem games? (Or is it likely in future?)
They should. If they don't, then that's a bug I'd want to fix.

Regardless, all internet games will show up on the in-game internet servers list.
PS: you might want to make your country a little more obvious. You never know, it might be good for sales.
Good point. I have been meaning to add an "about" page to the website.