Hi there! This is a forum for y'all to hang out and talk about the game.
There is basically only one rule for this forum, and that is:
Be nice

What constitutes "nice" is at the moderator's discretion, but here are some examples of things which are
not nice:
- Personal attacks, or "flaming".
- Swearing.
- Racism, sexism, etc.
- Spamming.
In short, exercise common sense.
Additionally, if you're reporting a bug or requesting a feature, please:
- Search the forum before posting. Someone may already have reported the bug or requested the feature. If they have, you can re-use that topic, which helps keep things organised.
- If reporting a bug, list as many technical details about your system as you can. Operating system (e.g. Windows XP), CPU speed, and video card (manufacturer and model - e.g. NVidia GeForce 6600 GT) are the most important details.
- If you're experiencing crashes which other people aren't experiencing, or the game isn't displaying properly, the first thing to try is upgrading your video drivers. This helps more often than you might think, especially for integrated video cards.